This is how to get past the bugs in zelda... where you have to get down from the castle in 3 mins
If you don't understand what i'm talking about I can explain to you quickly:
After killing Ganondorf, he uses his last powers to crush the castle.. and kill you and zelda..
then you have to get down from the castle in under 3 minutes...

zelda leads.. and you follow her...
then you get to a gate... zelda uses her powers to open it.. but it stays closed..
zelda walks through, but you can't

then you have to kill yourself or exit the current screen to get the gate to open
there are a lot of gates throughout the castle, so 3 minutes is not enough time if you have to kill yourself all the time

because of this... i just used this simple proggie called "cheat 'o matic" to freeze the time
just download the program, and follow my simple instructions and you should be able to get down...

This is no permanent fix or patch... it only works after you have done this.. and have this little prog loaded..
Get this little program:
Cheat 'O Matic

Start zelda.. and get the timer running and then press esc to stop the game
Start this proggie... and choose ultrahle from the pull down menu

enter the time left in seconds in this proggie... i.e 2:20 is 140

then press "search", and wait while the program searches the memory

start zelda again... by pressing F5 and let the time change...

then switch to this prog again... and enter time left in seconds again... i.e 135.. then press search ...
start zelda again... change time... enter time in seconds... press search...
repeat until the program says that it found the memory location...
then you can mark the "lock"-choice.. to lock the time...
this should make it easier to get down in three mins..

You can use this method to freeze values in other games too... just try..

If you have any questions, you can find me on efnet... nick... Toshtein
